Fever In Children

Posted on Category:Child Health

Fever In Children (1)

A fever is generally a high temperature. A normal temperature lies at 37.5C, thus anything above this results to fever. It may be very worrying as a parent if your child has a high temperature. A quick way of finding out if there is rise in temperature is using a thermometer.

How Thermometers Measure Up

There are various methods to use when measuring up your child’s temperature depending on his/her age. Let’s highlight on some of these methods;

  • Rectal

This is the best choice for children under the age of 3 years. To administer it, have your kid lie across your lap. It has the highest accuracy. Not ideal for older kids.

  • Oral

Ideal for age 4 and older. Its major limitation is that it can easily been thrown off if not kept under the tongue until it beeps. Good accuracy.

  • Armpit

Adequate accuracy and easy to use. However, it may result to a false reading if the room is chilly. Greater accuracy.

  • Causes of Fever

Fever is often caused by infections. Common conditions that can result to fever include;

Fever In Children (5)· Flu

· Upper respiratory infections

· Tonsillitis

· Kidney infections

· Common childhood illness such as whooping cough and chickenpox

When to Call a Doctor

It is recommended to seek for medical attention if your child;

· Is under 3 months old and has a temperature of 38C

· 3 to 6 months old and has a temperature of 39C

You should visit the doctor if your child has other symptoms of being unwell such as refusal to feed, drowsiness or persistent vomiting.

Treating Fever

If your kid has a fever, it’s advised to keep them hydrated. This is done through giving plenty of cool drinking water. Children should also be given plenty of liquid such as breast milk. This is to keep their fluid levels high. If in a warm environment, cover you kid with lightweight sheet or open windows for aeration. It is however important to dress your child appropriately depending on the climate. Avoid sponging your child with cool water in a bid to reduce fever.


Kids’ ibuprofen and paracetamol work best as antipyretics. Apart from being painkillers, they really help in reducing fever. Try one at time. It is not a must to use antipyretics especially if your young one isn’t distressed. However, before using any drug, read the patient information leaflet to find the correct dose to administer to different ages.

Serious Illness

High temperature can as well be associated with serious signs such as;

· RashFever In Children (4)

· Vomiting

· Breathlessness

· Fits

It’s important to note that potentially serious causes of fever are very rare hence no need to freak out when your child’s body temperature spikes. Just follow the simple guidelines discussed above and after some few hours, your child will be jovial again.